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Family & Couples Therapy

We are here on this journey with you
At Oasis Counseling, we have decades of experience and success with Couples & Family Therapy irrespective of religious or ethnic backgrounds. We understand that couples and families are susceptible to change—and change can create stress and strain within the family unit that can be difficult to overcome. Some of the common issues that affect couples and families are:- The dynamics of the family unit are skewed
- Breakdown in effective communication
- Damaging beliefs and emotions
- External forces/outside influences cause turmoil
If any of the issues below concern you—now is the time to consider relationship counseling:
- You suffer relationship abuse; such as physical, sexual, or emotional
- Your marriage or family encounters ongoing conflict or arguments
- You believe talking gets you nowhere
- You feel frustrated, discouraged, or unfulfilled
- You feel uncomfortable or afraid to express your feelings
- You’re overwhelmed with worry, anger, or resentment
- You feel isolated, empty, or lonely
When you make an appointment with Oasis Counseling, you are taking the first positive step towards a better life. We see many couples and families who turn things around and begin to thrive. Together we will help you to explore and understand some of the reasons why things aren’t working. We use evidence-based practices to help you to make effective progress in rebuilding your happiness. Ideally therapy should involve the couple, but if your partner refuses to go, or would prefer to go later, you can start alone. You’ll begin to explore your feelings in a safe environment, discover new insights and positively contribute to rebuilding your relationship(s).
You’ll begin to explore your feelings in a safe environment, discover new insights and positively contribute to rebuilding your relationship(s).

Anxiety and Depression
We are here on this journey with you
At Oasis Counseling, we’ve successfully worked with hundreds of individuals with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a common condition affecting 18.1% of the American population every year. ( And if it’s an excessive, irrational fear of regular situations, it can be debilitating.
Modern culture and society present a variety of stressors that may cause anxiety—but when it interferes with everyday living, an individual may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Some of the common indications of an anxiety disorder are:
- Overwhelming feelings of dread, worry or panic
- Focused on threats or danger
- Excessive fear & anguish
- Feeling out of control of your environment
- Feeling like a prisoner
- Not being able to cope
The Patient Health Questionnaire PHQ 9
The PHQ–9 is a multipurpose instrument for screening, diagnosing, monitoring and measuring the severity of depression: n The PHQ–9 incorporates DSM-IV depression diagnostic criteria with other leading major depressive symptoms into a brief self-report tool.
It’s extremely difficult to deal with these feelings regularly or long-term. Those living with an anxiety disorder also face other concerns like:
- Dealing with an anxiety attack
- Experiencing anxiety in front of a partner or friend
- Feeling like you’re the only one living with anxiety
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Panic disorder
- Phobias
- Social anxiety disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Psychological Assessments

What We Offer
Oasis Counseling offers a wide array of counseling and assessment services including other specialty services that are designed to better assist our patients with their mental health and general well being.Psychological & Neuropsychological Assessments & Testing
A Psychological Assessment is a service provided by a licensed psychologist. It involves a combination of clinical interviewing and the administration and interpreting of standardized psychological tests. These assessments allow the psychologist to make treatment recommendations to better serve the patient. Most assessments also include a referral for a medical examination to rule out any organic etiologies. Assessment cases may be referred for memory/neurological concerns, as well as other diagnostic concerns related to diagnosis, substance use, personality and forensic evaluations. A comprehensive report is provided to the patient’s referring physician and an explanation of results is provided to the patients and/or family members when appropriate.
Behavioral Medical Testing
Psychological testing is often required for presurgical candidates for spinal cord stimulation surgery or and bariatric surgery. An assessment allows the psychologist to identify any psychological difficulties that may be affecting pain management procedures and bariatric procedures. Standardized testing helps to determine whether there are any at risk behavioral issues that could potentially interfere with a patient’s adjustment to surgery. A written report is provided to the referring physician to better assist medical providers with their individualized treatment approach for each patient.
Court Ordered Evaluation & Treatment
In compliance with Nevada State Laws, a court can rule in favor of a request that an individual(s) be assessed and receive treatment for an alleged mental illness or identify issues related to ability to work or parent a child. A Forensic Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that is referred directly by the court(s) to a licensed psychologist. The assessment often involves identifying a standardized assessment protocol in effort to answer questions identified by the court. The psychologist provides a comprehensive written report to the court with recommendations for each individual case.
Psychotherapy & Counseling
What is Psychotherapy and Counseling?
Counseling and Psychotherapy are used interchangeably, however, while it can be used as one in the same there is a distinct difference. Counseling is an interaction utilized to deal with issues on a day to day basis between one or more parties. It is a skill building process aimed at reducing conflict and improving quality of life in the here and now.
Psychotherapy is a more intricate and deeper personal process. It is aimed at identifying and changing dysfunctional patterns to a more functional set of adaptive processes. It is like opening up an onion one layer at a time where more of the self is revealed to the patient for the purpose of rewriting the program for long lasting and permanent change.
People like to think that issues can be resolved easily and quickly. That is part of the “fast food” mentality we carry in society. However, it takes often years to develop poor patterns of self defeating thinking, negativity and an inability to meet one’s needs. Thus, it takes time to overturn this thinking and developing better ways to meet one’s needs. Otherwise, the patient sees positive change only temporarily– slipping back into the old pattern of dysfunctional thinking.
The research overwhelmingly shows that long-term therapy for significant issues (e.g., major depression, abuse history, anxiety disorders) is the only solution for long lasting change. The so called “brief therapy” procedures have largely been shown to be ineffective and are only supported by the insurance companies whose only purpose is to serve their profit and not the patient’s needs. The best analogy would be if one wanted to become an engineer. Do you become an engineer after a six week course? No, only after years of training does one begin to look at the world like an engineer. It takes time to change thinking and create new patterns of thought. The same applies to psychotherapy, six weeks only reduces symptoms and eliminates crisis. Long term treatment successfully changes the dysfunctional thinking and negative patterns necessary to successful life.
Psychotherapy and counseling are not mysterious. It is an alliance with the therapist aimed at organizing and changing your thinking– to a more positive and rational pattern. It is dealing with your unique history of successes and limitations for the purpose of living a life that is success driven and able to meet your needs. The therapist develops treatment plans with the patient/client and progress is measured on a 6 to 8 week basis. Some people take the journey with the therapist to its conclusion, others take a break at various stages of their development. Regardless, it is a rewarding process that improves functioning as you move toward happiness.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
MBCT is designed to help people who suffer from repeated bouts of depression and chronic unhappiness. It combines the ideas of cognitive therapy with meditative practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness. The heart of this work lies in becoming acquainted with the modes of mind that often characterize mood disorders while simultaneously learning to develop a new relationship to them. (definition source:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
EMDR is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. This type of therapy is an eight-phase treatment. Eye movements (or other bilateral stimulation) are used during one part of the session which help the clinician activate the “healing” parts of the patient’s brain. (definition source:
Court Ordered Evaluation & Treatment
In compliance with Nevada state law, a court can rule in favor of a request that an individual be assessed and receive treatment for an alleged mental illness. Failure to participate in programs or assist in the carrying out of treatment can result in the state requiring a peace officer to take the person into custody and deliver them to a location with a team who can properly complete an evaluation of the individual.